free hand form generation

statement of the research problem
T he aim of this research is to determine the
possibilities of non- intrusive real/virtual interfaces
for 3D digital design using a 3D tracking system.

research objectives
Mix reality concepts, as the frontier between real and virtual, the common space for humans and computers to interact seamlessly, guides the objectives of this work.
T he need to overcome the problems in interfacing - clumsy devices and limited real world applications to be used effectively - is the underlying ambition of this work:
to bring mix reality closer to the expectations it has raised.
T he research objective is to assert the possibility of natural, non-intrusive 3D modelling and interfacing.
P recision is not an objective, simplicity in drawing complex 3D forms is. Precision is achieved after exporting to 3D drawing applications.

the proposed framework features
a. creation of 3d form using a two-hand input
b. instintive tool though not replacing paper sketching
c. non-parametric shape generation
d. training as an important factor

an approach to 3D digital design

home | concept | research objectives | prototype| method | gallery | feedback | conclusions | publications